Penguinmerch – Dmx legend never die 1970 2021 shirt
Buy this shirt: Click here to buy this Penguinmerch – Dmx legend never die 1970 2021 shirt In 2009, Rachel Crandall-Crocker created what is now known as International Transgender Day of Visibility in the Dmx legend never die 1970 2021 shirt and by the same token and wake of the death of Rita Hester, a Black trans woman living in Boston. “I wanted a day that we can celebrate the living, and I wanted a day that all over the world we could be all together,” said Crandall-Crocker.This year’s International Transgender Day of Visibility falls as a sweeping wave of anti-trans legislation makes its way through the U.S. In 28 states, bills that would target trans youth who are participating in sports or seeking access to gender-affirming health care are under consideration. In Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas they have already passed. “There have never been this many bills targeting trans youth voted out of committee and then making it to the floor,” Chase Strangio, deputy director for transgender justice at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told CNN. While it’s heartening to see President Joe Biden publicly recognize Transgender Day of Visibility, mere recognition is not enough; cisgender allies need to be showing up for and materially supporting the Dmx legend never die 1970 2021 shirt and by the same token and trans community all year long. Below, find a list of resources to assist in doing just that.Named for civil rights pioneer Sylvia Rivera, this organization’s mission is to “guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence.” The Sylvia Rivera Law Project offers legal, social, and health services to underserved members of the trans community.As the largest trans-led organization in the U.S., the Transgender Law Center is devoted to challenging the legal system on behalf of the trans community, as well as maintaining a robust Legal Services Project that provides connection to resources for those struggling to navigate the legal system. Home: Click here to visit our store: Penguinmerch