Believing has that emotional salience. Sometimes you’re able to do things just going into it, but I think really believing you can do it and having seen yourself done it before gives you that inner confidence to go out and do it. So that’s another huge part. I do that both sitting or laying down, and also will do footwork where literally myI like Skiing and Gin and maybe 3 people shirt Furthermore, I will do this coach is saying different opponents and different situations and I’m there physically moving and visualizing against my opponent. It’s something that we’ve integrated very strongly into my practice.” “Working out in some form—sometimes it’s a short 10 minutes of stretching and core, preferably it’s doing some heavy deadlifts—that’s really how I feel I get my mind and my body right.

I like that to be my first practice of the I like Skiing and Gin and maybe 3 people shirt Furthermore, I will do this day. It helps get me primed and energized—I’m all about getting in that lift. It was very demotivating during the pandemic. Working out had always been social, I was in the gym with my coach, with my friends—it was super fun. Then I was lifting in my apartment with basically Home Depot buckets filled with sand. I was getting it done, but I was like, ‘I kind of hate this.’ I’ve been using the Future app during the pandemic to stay swole and keep sharp in many ways. My strength coach from Princeton started working with Future, and he was like ‘You’ll love it, come join.’ It really facilitated so many of my goals in terms of focusing my workouts,