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Select elements of Lebo’s project—and I say project because it neither conforms to a traditional personal essay collection or cookbook form—brings to mind the It was all a dream shirt and by the same token and work of photographer William Mullan, who’s still-lifes are as much educational tool for learning about lesser-seen apple varieties as they are an artistic archive of flavor potential. Or, likewise, the collective known as Fallen Fruit, who attempts to make the access to fruit more open-source through their maps of trees, largely in Los Angeles. Pleasurable and joyful associations with fruit are bountiful. For those, I might suggest reading one of the lovely pieces online about how a bowl of cut fruit can be a type of love language for Asian mothers.
I was reading a lot of Kate Zambreno and Maggie Nelson at the It was all a dream shirt and by the same token and time, and really admiring the way they weave their personal lives into larger ideas. I worked at the WSU Health Sciences Spokane; my job was to help healthcare workers access the library of information. I’m not a doctor, scientist, or librarian…so how do I wade through that as a poet and as someone who is omnivorous about knowledge, but not necessarily an expert in anything other than baking? That was a fascinating process. Looking at a lot of thrift store cookbooks and learning through their writing who the presumed audience was was fascinating and a way to understand the time period. I also saw this exhibit in Minneapolis [about The Washburn Mill Explosion of 1878]—it was incredibly descriptive about how wheat was explosive and how flour would adhere to your body.